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We provide high quality assessments and evidence-based interventions for a range of psychological conditions including Autism Spectrum Disorders, Anxiety, Depression, Trauma and Interpersonal difficulties.

Our team members are skilled and experienced in working with children, young people and adults.

We provide services to clients seeking to avoid lengthy waiting lists, and those seeking the convenience and flexibility of evening appointments from our comfortable, discreet and centrally located consulting rooms.

Additionally, we hold experience and expertise in providing medico-legal assessments on behalf of legal professionals seeking reports for a range of cases including Personal Injury, Employment Law and Medical Negligence.

Contact us to discuss your individual needs, further information on the services we provide, and information on our fee structures. We accept payment via a range of means including all major credit and debit cards, as well as payment via a number of leading health insurance providers.

We usually ask that self-referrals for assessment and intervention are accompanied by a GP referral. This is good practice to ensure we can provide a safe and appropriate service to meet your needs. This can be discussed when planning your initial consultation.


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Find out more about the
services we offer.