
Dr Tennyson has experience providing expert assessment and medico-legal reports, as well as providing evidence under cross-examination in court. Areas in which Dr Tennyson’s assessments have been used include: 

·     Employment Law – including the impact of medical conditions such as ASD upon recruitment and selection in the work place, and reasonable accommodations required within the work place.

·     The Psychological Impact of Trauma – including the impact of road-traffic accidents and non-accidental injuries.

Through NHS experience, Dr Tennyson has also built up extensive experience of working with people with physical ill health and complex medical presentations, people adjusting to illness and disability, and people who encounter challenges and barriers in a range of settings as a result of Autism Spectrum Disorders.

These areas of specialist experience allow Dr Tennyson to provide comprehensive assessments and reports to address the requirements of legal professionals. 

What it entails?

Upon receipt of an enquiry or instruction from a legal professional, an initial consultation (usually by telephone) will be arranged with Dr Tennyson to clarify the presenting needs and identify all relevant questions which are to be addressed in the report. An assessment schedule will be planned, and information will be provided on the anticipated fee to complete this assessment. Assessment can include:

·     Clinical Interview and Observation with the relevant parties.

·     Review of any prior or current assessments by other professionals.

·     Administration, scoring and interpretation of standardised assessment tools.

·     Administration of specialist cognitive assessments.

 A written report will be provided, as well as attendance at court or tribunals as required.